benefits of using THREAD SEALANTS in Industrial Pumps
Thread Sealants are designed for low- and high-pressure applications, providing an instant seal that prevents leakage of gasses and liquids

benefits 1

Prevent oil leaks from threaded assemblies

Seal threaded assemblies in drain plugs, oiler nipples and fittings with Loctite 577 thread sealant

benefits 2

Prevent corrosion within the gland flushing connector

Apply Loctite 567 or Loctite 577 thread sealant


Save Cost
  • Less oil consumption
  • On Inventory of flushing gland connectors
Improve Reliability
  • Prevent oil contamination
  • Eliminate rust & corrosion
Improve Productivity
  • Eliminate hazards & clean ups and the task of removing seized parts
  • Ensure easy disassembly for on demand maintenance